martes, 15 de abril de 2008

Draw a pyramid to illustrate your eating habits!

Draw a pyramid to illustrate your eating habits!

1.your pyramid: write what you eat a lot, some, a little, or nothing.
2.Write a short paragraph describing your eating habits. Consider these questions to write your paragraph:
•What and how much and how often do you eat.
•I eat a lot of yogurt
•I sometimes eat some pasta
•I eat a little of brocoli
•I never have oil
•What food you like or don’t like and your opinion
•I love eating pizza
•I like chiken very much
•I don’t like milk
•Fruits are very important foe a healthy body.
•Strawberry delicious. I love them
•Look at your pyramid and compare it to the Food Pyramid in your book. Decide if you have a healthy diet. Tell what you need to eat more or what you need to eat less
Hi my name is Dianela Jimenez, I nucl to eat more fruits, cereals and milk. I nud to aet less carbohidrates and candy

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